Monday, April 18, 2016

Week 3 EOC: Making Money for Good

Companies need a stable income and amount of product to sell. When they grow more, to raise publicity and reputation they sometimes give back to the community. Here are some companies that give back and how.

One company is skyline socks, they specialize in socks and when a pair is purchased, they send a free pair to someone in that same city.

TripAdvisor is another company that gives back well. Lunch is given to employees three times a week, on those days the money that workers would spend on lunch gets donated to a charity they agree on. The employees at TripAdvisor are also deep in community service and has their own charity to offer grants.

Here is an excerpt from software company Atlassian: "Sydney-based Atlassian creates innovative products for software developers and project managers. But it's equally dedicated to building up communities worldwide.
Partnering with charities like Room to Read, Atlassian donates $10 of every software starter license to help build libraries in developing countries. “Be the change you seek" is one of Atlassian's core values, and as such, the company is constantly looking for ways to improve its company, its products, the environment, and the world around it. “Of all the companies I’ve worked for, I’ve never come across one that so closely matches its mission statement to everyday practices,” says senior design manager Jurgen Spangl."

You don’t have to be rich to give back and you don’t have to retire to spend every day doing what you love. You can find profit, passion, and meaning all at once—right now. 

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